The Journey Continues! A Recap of 2018
2019 The journey continues! But before we continue let’s do a recap of 2018. “It’s gonna be one hell of a ride,” that’s what I wrote last year and looking back it definitely was. I spent most of my time developing our game Insurgency Sandstorm to get it ready for release later that year. Game development is my passion and definitely enjoy it a lot, but it can be challenging at times.
There’s always pressure, there’s never enough time, and the expectations are very high. I’m not only talking about the expectations of the public and company but also from myself. Always raising the bar. It was a journey, but we managed to ship the game! Insurgency Sandstorm was released on the 12th of December 2018. Very proud of what we accomplished together!
So what else happened in 2018, I made more progress with therapy. The start of the year was tough, my mom wasn’t doing well, and I was kinda balancing myself to not fall into the darkness. Few months in my mother was committed to a mental health clinic, during her stay about a month later, someone in her group took his own life. That was a tough moment for everyone. Walking past the blocked off area and I was thinking “That could have been my mom..” My mother went back home not long after that and she is doing a bit better.
My therapy continued, with some challenging subjects. Obviously my past, which is still an ongoing process. For a long time, it was challenging for me to fall asleep, maybe because I was too scared of flashbacks and nightmares that keep reoccurring. One night I tried EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques), and even though the flashbacks and nightmares are still there, I can sleep! For me, that’s already a significant step in the right direction.
In March last year, I was interviewed by VR Fitness Insider about BOX VR and how it helped me to stay on a positive track. I’m still doing VR Workouts and expanded my library to quite a few more games, but these are my current favorites: Beat Saber, CREED: Rise to Glory and of course still BOX VR.
I didn’t take much time off in 2018, but I went on a two-week trip to Milan, Savona, and finally Ibiza! Had a fantastic time with a dear friend of mine. Ibiza is a magical Island no doubt about it, and Italy well the fooood!!
2018 for me had its good moments, bad moments and some ugly moments, but it was a memorable year!
I hope you have an amazing 2019 wherever you are!
Jeroen van Werkhoven